Spatial transcriptomic data analysis

Spatial transcriptomics provides a molecular view of the organization of complex tissues.

Spatial transcriptomic assays quantify gene expression by spatial location within a tissue. The analysis of spatial transcriptomic data can reveal the spatial organization of a tissue from larger spatial domains down to the cell-type and molecular level.

The research questions addressed by spatial transcriptomics typically involve those of changes in tissue composition in developmental or pathological processes or interactions between cell types in complex tissues such as tumor microenvironments.

Analysis of spatial omics data often incorporates multiple modalities, such as from imaging or single-cell sequencing to enhance both the spatial resolution and the accuracy of cell type detection.

Our team comprises spatial analysis experts with experience in both developing ground-breaking spatial transcriptomics technologies and applying them in various normal tissues and pathologies, such as tumors.

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Spatial transcriptomic technologies

Technologies for spatial transcriptomics, and more broadly spatial omics, are numerous. The most commonly used ones originate from two companies: 10x Genomics and Nanostring. The key differences between these spatial platforms lie in their spatial resolution and the scope of their molecular targets.

Spatial resolution

The lowest-resolution spatial technologies are based on relatively large regions of interest (ROIs), which may be defined based on histological staining or specific molecular markers. In contrast, higher-resolution technologies can achieve single-cell or even subcellular resolutions.

Molecular targets

The molecular capture capabilities of spatial technologies range from probe-based target panels to sequencing-based whole transcriptomes. Some technologies also support multi-omic targeting, such as simultaneous transcript and protein quantification.

Common spatial transcriptomic platforms

The most widely used platform, 10x Genomics Visium, features a grid of spots, each resolving 1-10 cells per spot. Transcripts from these spots are sequenced without being limited to a predefined target panel. A more recent platform from 10x Genomics, the Visium HD, has a significantly higher, subcellular resolution.

A common ROI-based platform is the Nanostring GeoMx, which allows manual or, alternatively, computer-aided selection of captured regions of complex shapes. The output from a GeoMx measurement provides molecular counts for target panels, which may include transcripts or proteins, detected using probes or antibodies, respectively.

Both companies also offer imaging-based platforms with single-cell resolution, the 10x Genomics Xenium and the Nanostring CosMx. Both technologies utilize targeted transcript panels with up to approximately 5000 transcripts.


Spatial transcriptomic analyses

The chosen measurement platform influences the necessary and available data analyses. Notably, the analysis of ROI-based spatial data aligns more closely with that of bulk transcriptomic data, while the analysis of spot-based spatial data has more similarities to that of single-cell transcriptomic data. The analyses discussed below apply particularly to spot-based technologies.

Spatial variability of gene expression

Identifying genes with spatially variable expression levels provides a direct view of the molecular and functional architecture of a tissue. Spatially variable genes are often used as input features for downstream spatial analyses.

Cell type identification

With most spatial transcriptomic technologies, a single spatial spot may contain multiple cells. Identifying which cell types are present and in what proportions within these spots requires a deconvolution analysis. Cell-type deconvolution typically uses reference expression profiles obtained from single-cell RNA-sequencing experiments to estimate the proportions of each cell type at each spot.

Detection of spatial domains

Spatially variable genes or spot-wise cell-type proportions can be used to detect spatial domains, corresponding to tissue substructures at different scales. The expression patterns and cell types within these domains can be further analyzed across samples or time points to study developmental or pathogenic processes.

Cell-cell communication

The spatial organization of cell types reveals which cells are in close proximity to each other. This proximity can be analyzed alongside ligand-receptor expression levels to uncover modes of cell-cell communication relevant to the studied tissue.


Meet some of our spatial analysis experts

I am a bioinformatician with a multidisciplinary background in developing and applying novel spatial and single-cell transcriptomics methods to study the biology and pathology of diverse tissue types.

I co-developed the spatial transcriptomics method that was later commercialized by 10x Genomics as Visium—the most widely used technology for spatially resolved expression studies today. I also developed VASA-Seq, a new method for single-cell total transcriptome sequencing.

Beyond method development, I have extensive experience analyzing spatial and single-cell data and supporting researchers across various fields in designing and applying such experiments.

Fredrik Salmén
Fredrik Salmén Scientific Project Manager Genevia Technologies Oy

I am a senior bioinformatics scientist with over 10 years of experience in analyzing a wide range of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data types, including spatial transcriptomics, single-cell RNA-seq, bulk RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CUT&Tag, ATAC-seq, single-cell ATAC-seq, MeDIP-seq, and BS-seq.

With a background in both mathematics and biology, I am well-equipped to analyze and interpret complex biological datasets. My work spans various fields, with significant contributions in immunology and oncology research.

Giulia Barbiera
Giulia Barbiera Scientific Project Manager Genevia Technologies Oy

I am a bioinformatics scientist specializing in oncology and human health data analysis, with over five years of experience in handling various omics data types. This includes bulk data (whole-exome, RNA-seq) and single-cell and spatial data (scRNA-seq, spatial transcriptomics, single-cell proteomics), as well as expertise in the experimental techniques to generate these types of data.

Throughout my career, I have successfully applied omics analysis to cancer and aging-related diseases, securing public grants, publishing in journals, and presenting at international conferences. I am highly motivated to solve complex challenges and advance healthcare research.

Alba Machado
Alba Machado Scientific Project Manager Genevia Technologies Oy

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Antti Ylipää
Antti Ylipää CEO, co-founder Genevia Technologies Oy +358 40 747 7672