Patricia Thomas
Scientific Project Manager
Patricia worked in academia, specialising in cellular metabolism, before joining Genevia. The complexity of metabolic networks sparked her interest in bioinformatics, which she recognised as a powerful tool for identifying drug targets. This fascination evolved into a passion for single-cell and spatial transcriptomic analysis.
A background in cellular physiology gave Patricia an extensive understanding of lab-based processes, and the ability to develop pipelines for analysing complex biological data. During her PhD at the University of Exeter, she investigated the mechanisms behind the failure of insulin-producing cells in type 2 diabetes and was awarded a UK Medical Research Council Fellowship to continue this work at the University of Birmingham, Michigan and Cambridge. Throughout her research, she gained extensive experience working with human, mouse, and rat cell data.
When not exploring new programming languages and bioinformatic tools, Patricia can be found running, playing the piano, and creating scientific art in her studio.