Why do you need a detailed bioinformatics report?

In a previous post we pointed out that at Genevia, we want to ensure our analyses are up to the standards of high-impact academic publishing. To give you an idea of an actual project deliverable, we present here an example bioinformatics report of a typical project.

We all want statistically correct and biologically meaningful results. Aside from that, scientifically formal and well-organised reporting is required within any good scientific project. There are multiple reasons for this:

1. The work may need to be published as a journal article

Most of the results we produce end up being published in scientific publications. Academic publishing requires detailed descriptions of the methods used. In our reports, the methods texts are written to fit the form of peer-reviewed journals, along with references to papers in which the tools and other used resources were originally published.

2. The work has to be further reported within the customer’s team

Information has to flow inside any research group or industry R&D team. Sometimes you even have to document analyses and results for years ahead and for team members yet to come. The bioinformatics reports we deliver are all-inclusive and self-explanatory, enabling anyone familiar with the field to understand and use the results.

3. Only organized tables and figures are usable

A typical data analysis project results in a large set of figures and tables spawning from different steps along the analysis flow. Our written bioinformatics report also includes a clear list of all these deliverables along with a short description of each file.

Don’t you wish you would always get a clear, detailed report of any analysis carried out on your data? Before I let you proceed to the example report, I just wish to point out that all our analyses are fully tailored to the customer's data and research questions. This means that also the report is written specifically for you, and whatever analyses are covered in this example are representative of a typical expression analysis.

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