Genevia RNA-seq Bioinformatics Grant 2025

Apply for our bioinformatics grant to win bioinformatics support fully tailored to your needs. We are now accepting applications from academic researchers with any type of transcriptomic data.

Genevia RNA-seq Bioinformatics Grant 2025 is aimed at supporting an academic research group in getting their transcriptomics data analyzed at the highest standards of the field.

Genevia Technologies has been providing bioinformatics services for scientists in over 100 universities since 2011. In accordance with our mission to support researchers in embracing new computational technologies, we are proud to announce our second bioinformatics grant call. Learn more about our last one here.

One winner will be selected from the applications. All other applicants are granted an extra discount on our service.

Key information

  • Tailored bioinformatics support (3 months of our Virtual Bioinformatics Core service)

  • For bulk, single-cell or spatial transcriptomic data

  • For academic research only

  • Apply on this page by January 29th, 2025

Eligibility criteria

You are eligible to apply for the grant if

  • you are a principal investigator in a university or other non-profit research institution and
  • you have bulk, single-cell or spatial transcriptomics data.

What the grant covers

The grant covers 3 months of our standard Virtual Bioinformatics Core service at a 0.25 full-time allocation of a senior bioinformatician. The time can be used on:

  • Planning computational analyses to answer your research questions
  • Quality control and preprocessing of your data
  • Exploratory analysis to visualize trends and patterns in the data
  • Downstream analyses such as differential expression analysis, pathway analysis and any other applicable analyses for bulk, single-cell or spatial transcriptomic data
  • Customizing figures for a manuscript
  • Reporting the analysis methods in a format suitable for an academic publication

Throughout the project, you will have a dedicated project manager experienced in transcriptomic data analysis. The project manager will be available in regular teleconferences to report the progress, agree on next steps and to discuss and interpret the results with you.

The grant also covers computation costs from our end. The awardee is not obliged to purchase any services from Genevia Technologies.

Please note that the grant does not cover any measurements such as sequencing.

How to apply

To apply, fill out the application form on this page by January 29th, 2025.

After submitting the form, we will schedule a short meeting with you to discuss your application. We may have additional questions about your data and preferred schedule, and you will have an opportunity to ask us anything you wish. You will be able to pick from time slots available throughout the application period, but we encourage you to apply in good time before the deadline to ensure availability.

Selecting and announcing the winner

The applications are reviewed based on their quality, and one of them is selected as winner.

The winner will be announced on this website and informed personally at the beginning of February 2025.

What happens after I win?

  • We will instruct you on how to securely deliver your data to us. As with customer data, we do not claim any ownership to your data or results from its analysis.
  • We will agree on the project start date and schedule a kick-off meeting with you. Earliest, the project will start in March, but a later start can be agreed.
  • We will schedule a short interview with you to be published on our website. Read the interview of our 2022 grant winner.

What happens if I don't win?

If you do not win, we will provide you with a quotation should you wish to purchase the service. You will be eligible for a 30 percent discount instead of our standard 20 percent discount for academic customers. This extra discount applies only for the three first months of service.

What if I am not eligible for the grant?

If you wish to discuss your bioinformatics needs or suggest a topic for our next bioinformatics grant, leave us a message.

We encourage you to notify friends and colleagues who may be eligible.

Apply for Genevia RNA-Seq Bioinformatics Grant 2025

Shortly describe the background and aim of the proposed project.

Further specify the type of data (particularly if you selected "Other")

Describe the types and approximate numbers of samples

Shortly describe your needs for the computational analysis.

Contact us

For questions about this grant, contact us at . For other inquiries about our service, you may use the form below.